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  Authentic Worship

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.

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In-person & Streaming  LIVE every Sunday at 10 a.m.

The virtual Order of Worship can be found here.

Join Us this Lenten Season​

with Pastor Debra Brady

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Awe is a profound emotional response that can significantly impact our well-being and perception of the world. Awe often arises from experiences that transcend our usual understanding, such as viewing vast landscapes, listening to powerful music, encountering extraordinary acts of kindness, or feeling heightened devotion and a Divine Presence connecting us all. To be a “Purveyor of Awe” is to be intentional about curating a life of spiritual depth. This has implications not only for one’s own life but also as motivation to tend to the well-being of others. Let us approach this Lent with awe: “a feeling of reverential respect mixed with wonder, inspired by the sacred or sublime."

Sunday, March 30, 2025

Fourth Sunday of Lent

"Purveyors of Awe: Delight"

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We humans love repetition … up to a point. But sometimes we just need a good “Wow!” and some goosebumps to help us feel fully alive. Our physical response to awe-filled moments comes from a very ancient part of our evolution – even before language. And those goosebumps? They helped us forge connections with others as we faced the vast mysteries of life together. Delight still plays an important role in our spiritual needs and in our sense of a deeply relational life.

"The Purveyors of Awe" Guided Study & Weekly Journal

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During the season of Lent, we are offering a guided study and journal with spaces for reflection and weekly "Awe Practices" to guide you on an experiential encounter with the themes and reflections on how Jesus embodied these concepts throughout his life and ministry according to scripture.


This guided journal is a reflection companion to be used throughout the "Purveyors of Awe" Lenten sermon series. Download a copy here or pick one up at the Info Center in the narthex on Sunday mornings.

Children's Sunday School Lesson

"The Last Supper"

Press the play button to view this week's Sunday School Video!

In today's Bible lesson, we see Jesus sitting down with his friends eating an important meal.


Today's Blessing:

Holy God,

Help us to know that even when He isn't around, we can come together in love and still feel Jesus's spirit with us. Amen. 

Childcare is available on Sunday mornings for ages birth to 4 years & Kinder to 5th Grade 

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Whatever your prayer needs, finding peace of mind provides a foundation of strength to face any situation. Your request is a sacred trust and is confidential.


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News & Events

Family ESL Outing

Sunday, April 6 | Dos Rios State Park | 11:15 a.m. (after worship)

Meet in the church library to carpool to Dos Rios

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All families with kids and youth are invited to have fun with the ESL class as they use their English skills with rangers at Dos Rios State Park! We’ll play an icebreaker game, make our own trail mix, and enjoy the beautiful Dos Rios area. Carpool drivers for this outing are much appreciated! Bring a sack lunch and water! Contact Alison Cruz at with questions.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Classes Offered at First UMC Modesto

Sundays | FUMC Library, 16th & I Streets, Modesto | 10:00 a.m.

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FUMC Modesto is excited to host an ESL (English as a Second Language) class every Sunday during worship. We aim to help adult learners become more comfortable with their English skills and expand our church community!  Childcare will be provided through our Children's Sunday School. No registration is required.

​If you are interested in attending and would like more information, please contact Alison Cruz at

Contact the church office at (209) 522-9046 or email for more event information.

More Upcoming Events​

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