If you are driving north towards Modesto:
Follow CA-99 N to 6th St in Modesto.
Take exit 226 toward CA-132/CA-108
Take G St to 16th St
Turn left onto 16th St
Destination will be on the right
If you are driving south towards Modesto:
Take exit 226A Central Modesto exit
Merge onto 5th St
Turn left onto I St
Turn right onto 16th St
Destination will be on the left
By the side or front door to the sanctuary, you will be warmly welcomed by greeters and given an Order of Worship and an Insert which includes announcements, a calendar of "This Week at FUMC," and contact information.
Please sign fill out the insert with the contact information and drop it in the offering plate. This is optional and meant as an informal opportunity to offer you additional information about our church.
As United Methodists, we believe in welcoming and nurturing the children in our church family. We offer Nursery Care for children birth through 4 years old and Sunday School for kindergarteners through 5th grade during our 10 a.m. worship. On the first Sunday of the month, children return to the service for communion. Youth are encouraged to attend weekly worship with their families or as a group. Youth also sometimes assist in worship as liturgists, acolytes, greeters, or ushers.
Attending Sunday worship at a new church can be a little intimidating. You might have questions, which we will try to answer here in order to make your first visit as enjoyable, stress-free and meaningful as possible.
We truly believe in practicing Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Every person is a beloved child of God and of sacred worth. Nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. So we welcome into full participation in the life of this church people of every race, ethnicity, age, income, ability, physical or mental condition, political affiliation, gender identity, sexual orientation, family structure or marital status. We invite all people into the way of Jesus Christ to grow together in Christian faith and go out into the world to serve!
You are invited to exit the sanctuary following the Postlude music or go quietly in peace after the Benediction. Following the service stop and say hello to Pastor Debra and join us in the Fellowship Hall for the monthly Birthday Celebration, United Women of Faith activities, and other seasonal events. Check out our church calendar for listings.
We hope you find First United Methodist Church to be a place where you can connect, engage, and grow in your spiritual journey. FUMC is family-friendly and is open to all. WELCOME!